FIRST "SUCCESS?": 1978 - I actually graduated High School early so I could begin my 'career' as Manager of THE HAPPY STEAK restaurant. Yep, I was a teenage "golden spud" working 66 hours a week for $800 a month and thought my life was set. What an idiot! I did learn good management skills, though, and had fun visualizing about someday being "HEAD SPUD". FIRST RADIO JOB: 1980 - How about these call letters, KCOK/KJUG? I left Beauty School for this place. I was some geek off the street that found a PD, J. David Sloan, who gave me a chance. I learned by watching everything he did for a month before I got my shot on the air. I went by Jonathan Scot (one ' t '). I was cool. I still had that Happy Steak mentality.FIRST "I'LL BE A MILLIONAIRE BY 35" BUSINESS VENTURE: 1980 - "THE BATHROOM JOURINAL" . To supplement my Big Time radio salary, I created a comical newspaper that appeared in 70 restaurants, night clubs, and service stations throughout central California. This was IT! ...Got married and divorced in the same year and lost everything (including my memory of that time frame). Often referred to on air as, "THE ACCIDENT".I WAS A 21 YEAR OLD ELVIS!: 1981, I had just started a four year stint at KBOS, Tulare-Fresno and, on weekends, I was the lead singer in "DR. QUEST" . It was a great band, and I was the "Rich Little" of Rock and Roll imitating everyone from ZZ Top to Loverboy. I seemed to recall having one really 'happy' foot but absolutely no rhythm, at all.NIGHT CLUB DJ WITH TWO FIRST NAMES: 1982 - Call me Jon. Jon Scot. No "h", one "t". I even had one of those ,"it began as a blonde highlight that somehow ended up glowing bright orange" hairstyles that lasted 8 months. I was REALLY cool, now. As the Entertainment Director, I got to learn about putting promotions together, media buying, and entertaining LIVE audiences. This helped me become more personable on the radio. I got to meet girls. I liked this job. Did it 4 years.FIRST PD GIG: 1985 - KZOZ - Programming was great! I got to use my own ideas for music, liners, and promotions. We were number 1. Plus, I was the morning guy learning about sounding 'alive' at 6 am.. Got fired as PD whenthe owner, at the last minute, decided to sell spots during my Z-93 Hour Commercial - Free Tidal Wave of Music. So much for programming. I was contemplating a return to Happy Steak.FIRST 'BIG TIME' PARODY : 1988 - Z100, Portland. I had been working for three stations simultaneously (I'm tellin' ya, it's that Big Time radio income), when Michael Jackson cancelled a halloween night concert in Tacoma. I spent all night in the production room writing and producing a "Michael's Got The Flu" concert spot which got sent to Rick Dees at KIIS. He loved it. He even paid me for it. Cool! After that, the Morning Zoo at Z100 began to say "Hi" to me and remembered my name. I even got to sing more stuff for them which led to me forming my "ORAL CREATIONS" Personality Jingles business.MR. PRODUCER: 1989/90 - KBEQ. As Randy Miller's producer, I sang, voiced, and produced over 200 parody songs, bits, sweepers, and jingles in 1 year. (That 'DR. QUEST' experience was paying off.) I've never seen anybody who could write so much material. Mancow was our phone/stunt guy. It was a great show to be part of. I was just beginning to get well rounded as a producer when....suddenly...MY 'BIG' MORNING GIG: 1990/91 - KBEQ. Randy left the station. I was set to join him when management offered ME the job to stay and Host the show. I was thrilled at the opportunity and had already learned a ton about putting together different elements of a daily show. But, it was a struggle following in those footsteps and, after 5 months, I joined the ranks of Chevy Chase.JONNY OZONE FROM GUAM: 1992- 1997. After getting married and a year of working as a Producer/Midday talent at KS104, Denver (I REALLY wanted to do Mornings and felt very comfortable there, but I was passed up) , I came to GUAM to totally get loose and have some fun on and off the air. I had the freedom to put together a well rounded morning show, and I learned so much more about life from the thousands of people I had a chance to meet while there. It was also the beginning of my most important job to date: DAD. LIFE IS GOOD.ALOHA!: 1997- 1998. Loved the Islands, I worked my 'thought to be last' radio gig as PD/Middays at Oldies Radio 107.9 in Hawaii. The audience was great. Loved the music too! Got the best ratings the station's ever had and worked with some great people
Mr. Internet - Present: I've been into the Internet since '94 and have developed some fun internet business sites. Return to Radio (kind of)- 1999-2003: Playing 'Fill In Guy', the B103 Saturday Night All Request Party guy, and Webgeek on Richmond's B103 was fun. Most fun I had was filling in for the Morning Show (while they searched for a 'real' show). Did a traffic song to the 'Coldplay' song, 'Yellow'. Check it out here . My 'fillin guy' song is here. July 2004 - December 2009: Got a call to do Saturday Nights at Oldies 107-3 in Richmond and loved it so much, I went to full time Middays, Promotions, Web and Production Director...Became the Morning Guy January 17th, 2005. Had a BLAST! December 2009 - Present: Working on Voicework, commercials, and endorsement, along with building websites. Need one? Let's talk! |