Listen to them using the free Real Player here -
3/2001 - Hear the "Fill In Guy" Song in Real Audio here.
Cletus The Fetus - After 1 year away from radio playing 'Internet Man' in my own Consulting Biz, I wrote and produced a song for the Bender Morning Show when they were at B103 in Richmond, VA. Bender and Jackie are married and were about to have their first kid. So... as a fairly new Dad myself, I wanted to give them my own, unique 'gift' with this song. After 'scaring' the audience with it, they offered me a job 'live' on the air. Cool. Reaction from Big Boss Steve, "Did he say....'Penis?'"
Bowl Jonny Bowl - Just in time for the holidays. Wrote this for some
Turkey Bowling.
Bowlin' Bowlin' Bowlin' - More Turkey Bowlin' at American Cafe in Guam.
Mr. Bo Jackson - A thank you song to the great Bo Jackson.
Great Bo's Been Fired - Kansas City just wouldn't take the chance when
Bo got hurt.
Jonny Ozone's Girls - Dreamin' away, I had to write this Parody about the Girls
of Guam.
Cover of the Daily News - Made the local newspaper and wrote this for the
Stranded in The Ukraine - Fun song about Gorbachev getting locked out in 1991
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